IAENG Society of Artificial Intelligence

ISAI Mission

The IAENG Society of Artificial Intelligence (ISAI) is organized for the engineers and the scholars in the Artificial Intelligence discipline. Through regularly scheduled conferences and workshops on the Artificial Intelligence, the IAENG Society of Artificial Intelligence serves as a forum for networking, information sharing, idea exchange and problem solving for the Artificial Intelligence community.


The committee members of the IAENG Society of Artificial Intelligence can voluntarily organize different activities for its Society members, and take part in organizing the IAENG conferences and workshops. The IAENG Society of Artificial Intelligence has been taking part in the organizing of different IAENG conferences, for example, the IAENG International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (ICAIA). The ICAIA conference is held as part of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IMECS), and it serves as good platforms for the Artificial Intelligence community members to meet with each other and to exchange ideas. Its details are available at:


The International Association of Engineers (IAENG) is a non-profit international association for the engineers and the computer scientists. IAENG has been found by a group of engineers and computer scientists from over thirty different countries. The IAENG members include research center heads, faculty deans, department heads, professors, research scientists/engineers, experienced software development directors and engineers, and university postgraduate and undergraduate students, etc. The IAENG goals are to promote the co-operation between the professionals in various fields of the engineering and to cultivate an environment for the advance and development of the technology.


IAENG Society of Artificial Intelligence Committee:

Sio-Iong Ao (honorary chair)
Editor-in-chief, Engineering Letters
Editor-in-chief, IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics
Editor-in-chief, IAENG International Journal of Computer Science
Secretary General, International Association of Engineers
Co-Founder and Founding Chairman, Newsbook Limited / Newswood Limited

Felix T.S. Chan (co-chair)
Associate Professor, Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering,
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong

S.R. Chickerur
Asst. Professor, Department Of Information Technology,
Sona College of Technology,
Thiagarajar Polytechnic College Road,
Salem - 636 005,
Tamilnadu, India

Rong-Jong Wai (co-chair)
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering
Yuan Ze University
Chung Li 320, Taiwan

Tai-Wen Yue
Associate Professor,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Tatung University,
40 ChungShan N. Rd., 3rd Sec., Taipei 104, Taiwan


Interested IAENG members can join the IAENG Society of Artificial Intelligence (ISAI) free of charge by filling the online application:

IAENG Society Membership Online Application Form


And non-IAENG members can firstly join IAENG free of charge at www.iaeng.org/membership.html






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International Association of Engineers


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